So, some of you are probably thinking we’re packing up the car and getting ready for our trip south… but… you’re not going to believe this…. we had to cancel our trip to Duke again. : (
Sarai had a cough a couple of weeks ago, I took her to the doctor and he said, “Cough? Runny nose? No big deal!” So I didn’t think much of it when she got another little cough and runny nose, except it didn’t get better so quickly. We brought her to the doctor last Monday and we were waved off again, just a little cough, clear ears and lungs, no big deal. Then Wednesday and Thursday, Sarai was having a terrible time eating and I knew we were in trouble. I brought her to the same doctor Friday that we saw Monday. The doctor decided to do a test for RSV. RSV is a very common respiratory virus that almost all kids get, but it’s very dangerous for babies with compromised respiratory systems and for preemies especially. We’ve been warned about it since she was in the NICU. Actually, they offer a vaccination for it for babies that qualify, and Sarai has been vaccinated. So the doctor, thinking there’s NO WAY she could have RSV because of the vaccination, checked her anyway, and sure enough, it’s RSV. She said in all her years practicing, she’s never seen a kid get RSV that was vaccinated.
The doctor was in a small panic. She said we had a 50/50 shot of going back to the hospital and said to watch her “extremely” closely because “this can turn bad very quickly.” I stayed up with her most of the night last night, basically trying to feed her constantly. She lost half a pound in the past couple days, but over night didn’t lose anything, so she’s holding her own. The doctor thinks that the vaccine is protecting her, that she’d be a lot more sick if she hadn’t gotten it. She also said that this could last a month. We’re giving her breathing treatments and smothering her with kisses. She is so uncomfortable and her cough just tears at your heart. But, being the tough little peanut she is, she’ll come through!
I thought our luck would be changing for the new year!? What the…. ??
If you didn’t hear about this on facebook, I’d also like to share that a tree fell on our house last Tuesday. Can you believe it?? Seriously? Seriously. It sounded like an earthquake. No one was hurt, and the damage was fixed by the evening. But, come on!! We rent thank goodness, so there’s the bright side.
With the streak of luck I’m having, I’m afraid I’m going to start losing friends. I’m going to be sitting at a bar with my girls and a safe will drop out of the sky and land on someone!
In happier news, my cousin Amy and her husband Kevin had a beautiful baby boy, Kingston, on New Year’s Day!! Congratulations guys! As soon as the universe stops conspiring against us, we hope we’ll get to meet him on our way to Duke! ; )
Keep your fingers crossed for Sarai. She’s got a rough few weeks ahead of her.
Happy New Year lovies!