We talked the talk and walked the walk! And with your help, we raised (new total just in today!)…. $1010!! Great job team! You guys are the best! It rained and was miserable, but my friend Lindi (another NICU mom) met me with her daughter Kadynce and we all walked together. Thank goodness mom was visiting, so she got to stay home and warm and get some special Mim-and-Sarai snuggles. Ain’t that the life!
Sarai started the Sabril over the weekend (that’s the new drug that can cause vision damage). Since starting it, I don’t think she’s had a single spasm (and she was probably having up to 20 a day just before that). I joined a group on facebook for parents with kids who had infantile spasms and found a few families who said Sabril was a miracle drug for their children and that today they’re doing really well. So that’s encouraging!
We’re still not seeing much improvement with Sarai’s vision, try as we might. But she is exploring with her hands like crazy! She has these little koosh-type balls that she just can’t get enough of. And her Baby Einstein piano? The kid thinks she’s freakin’ Mozart these days! Prop her up in front of it and she’s entertained for ½ and hour! Next thing you know she’s going to want piano lessons. Ugh. : )
Sarai had an evaluation for occupational therapy this week and of course she qualifies. I’m not sure what they’ll recommend yet, but it will probably bring her early intervention services up to 8/week. Yikes. It was good to see her doing some cool stuff with the evaluator; bringing her hands together, holding toys with both hands, reaching for her flashlight, stuff I see her do all the time but it’s been so gradual, it was nice to have someone new say, “OH! Look at her go! She’s doing great!” Moments of greatness Vanessa says. That’s what she was having!