Good morning everybody!
I've been in the hospital for over a week already! I can't believe it. It's actually gone pretty quickly and I'm feeling pretty good. I've had several visitors, I'm attaching a pic of Beth, me and Christin (warning: people in hospital gowns appear MUCH larger than they actually are! They kept telling me how good I look, but the picture doesn't lie, ladies!).
Yesterday I woke up feeling very nauseous and it sort of stayed with me all day. The doctor said he's 90% sure (finally, a percentage over 50!) it's the antibiotics so they stopped them yesterday. I woke up again last night not feeling well, but I feel ok now. Just had breakfast.
I was doing some research on premature rupture of membranes on-line last night and I found a pretty good article. It basically outlined what my experience has been so far. It mentioned that this only happens in 3% of pregnancies (I mean, we all knew I was UNIQUE, I wasn't planning on proving it with a medical emergency!) and that within one week 50-75% of women go into labor. I'm on day 9 today!
They're still watching me very closely for infection, I had blood drawn yesterday, and so far, no signs. The doctor is very happy I've made it to 31 weeks and is optimistic that I'll make it to 34. If I do go into labor, the only thing they'll do to try and stop contractions is hydrate me, if that doesn't work, it's go time!
I felt the baby with the hiccups for the first time this morning! She's being such a good little girl!
Adam's been so great. Going to the store for me, bringing me food, heating it up and running around while he's here. He's here for hours everyday. My friend Coleen stopped by with her husband on Monday, she's 38 weeks pregnant! Beth and Christin came yesterday with food, snacks, clothes for me for after I have the baby, and two tiny little summer outfits for the baby. My friend Kate sent peanut butter balls. Another friend Sue is stopping by today, Katie's coming this weekend, and I might see some Tirado's this weekend too. The book my mom gave me, The Help, is SO GOOD. I've gotten a million e-mails and text messages. Everyone's helping the time pass so quickly. I'll keep you all updated if anything changes! Love to you all!
Love, Mandee/Amanda
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