We had a crazy weekend for sure. We brought Sarai back to Duke on Friday for the hearing and vision tests. I thought that morning was going to be just awful since she couldn’t eat after 6:30am, but she was actually wonderful! She had to be sedated for both tests, but the medication was oral, she sucked it right down and fell quickly asleep. They were able to do both tests without a problem, and I’m still waiting (on pins and needles) for the results. I could have sworn I saw the tech wince at the screen, but I can’t be sure… what does that mean?? Adam thinks she must have seen that Sarai is an off-the-charts-genius and couldn’t believe her eyes. So, yeah, it’s probably that.
We headed out for home right after the test and got stuck in that huge snowstorm. North Carolina was fine, and we decided to take 81 to avoid DC and the coast in general. That didn’t make us immune though! Once we hit Virginia, we could hardly go more than 20 miles an hour. After about 8 hours driving, we decided to stay over in a no-tell-motel for the night. In the morning we went out for a quick breakfast. I had an interesting conversation with the waitress…
Me: How are the roads today?
Waitress: They were fine when I came eeeen. They’re doin’ a great job takin’ care of the roads. See we have a republican governor now, so things are gettin’a lot better.
Well thank goodness! ; ) We decided to give it another shot and see how things went. Again, we couldn’t go more than 20 miles an hour, but as soon as we hit Pennsylvania, it was smooth sailing! (And I might add that Pennsylvania’s governor is a democrat… I’m just saying.)
All in all, we were driving for 17 hours, what a trip!
We had just enough time to put chili in the crock pot before Katie and Steve were here to watch the Superbowl. We had tons of food and had a great time visiting. They even helped paint Sarai’s room, which is all done now and pretty much ready to go. We’re still settling in, but the new place is looking great and feeling a lot like home!
Just waiting on a phone call. Hopefully I’ll hear something soon.
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