Saturday, September 18, 2010

“Doin’ it all for my baby, cause she’s as fine as she can be!”

So I’m back at work and feelin’ fine! Crazy busy, crazy tired, but I get my little cat naps in wherever I can squeeze one.

It helps that Sarai’s sleeping through the night and doesn’t wake up until after 6am. This gives me plenty of time to get ready in the morning, have my coffee and yogurt and maybe catch up on the reality TV crap that I DVR’d the night before. Basically the transition has been pretty smooth. Sarai seems to like the babysitter, I think she’s doing great. Things are… good!
Last week we went to the NICU reunion party at the hospital. SO MANY tiny babies I can’t believe Sarai was ever that small! I had to watch the video of her when she was in her little isolette and just about pooped on our hands. My hand is the size of her whole body! Those skinny little chicken legs and arms! Days long past now. If you never got to see this (it’s been on facebook for a while now) you can watch it here.

Adam had a couple doctor appointments to bring Sarai to this week, the first couple that I couldn’t be at. One just for shots, and the second was a neurology appointment with Dr. James. No real news. He said we “could” begin to wean her off the sabril next month if we wanted to. I can’t stand these decisions being up to us. I think we’re both too worried to stop it right away though. The sabril has it’s own side effects we know, but if the spasms come back and can’t be controlled, the effects would be much worse than what we’re facing with the sabril. If any of you has a crystal ball we could borrow, please send it over. Thanks.
Still haven’t heard a thing about her MRI in August. Believe me, if I had heard something I would have updated this blog immediately.

Sarai is being evaluated on Monday to see if there is any adaptive equipment that might help her to stand, sit, walk, or anything. There are special standers and high chairs they might suggest, so we’ll see. I’m a little afraid to get her equipment too early. I don’t want her to rely on that and not just grow, learn and get stronger on her own when she’s doing so well. But we’ll see what they say and find a happy medium. She’s got this adorable table toy that she does great standing next to with pretty limited assistance.
Of course it’s not always a picnic.
But nothing a little hug from Daddy can’t fix.
So we’re all doing well. Loving the feel of this Fall weather. Sarai had a tiny cold, runny nose and cough, and this is the first time it hasn’t turned into something hospitalization worthy! (Knock on wood.) The cold is almost totally gone. No fever, no breathing difficulties, and no one missed work since the babysitter comes here to take care of her. Whoo hoo! Sarai, still a trooper at 14 months old… and STILL WITHOUT A SINGLE TOOTH!!!! (I don’t want to jinx it, but it does look like there’s one brewing.)