Sunday, October 4, 2009

“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…”

Posted Oct 4, 2009 6:07pm
Hello friends!

I hope you all had a nice weekend! Adam had drills from Thurs-Sunday, but Mom and Katie came down to look at a wedding dress for Katie, so that worked out perfectly. We went to Connecticut to see the dress, so another visit to a new state for Sarai. And, again, she was a perfect traveler!

Sarai had her first visit with the massage therapist last week. What the therapist does is model on a doll, and I actually massage Sarai. However, Sarai has been a little tough the last few days, so we didn’t actually get to do any massage on her. The therapist modeled on a doll, walked me through all the steps, and now I’m practicing until Wednesday when she comes again. Each section of the massage begins with me rubbing my hands together, showing her my palms and asking her permission to massage by saying, “I’m going to massage your legs now, ok?” Geez! How far we’ve gotten from the days of, “You’ll do it because I’m your mother and I told you so!” I’m asking my 3 month old daughter for permission to massage her?! Ok, I’ll roll with it.

I think Sarai is in a growth spurt, this would be the second one since she got home. Basically, she’s been crying like CRAZY when she’s awake, and eating like a monster. (Saturday night she ate for almost 4 hours straight! It was the only thing to get her to stop crying.) Last time this lasted 4 days, and today is the 4th day. She was much better today, and hopefully will be back to her smiley-self tomorrow.

Sarai will be 3 months old in two days! I can’t believe it. Her adjusted age is 1 month. She’s expected to be behaving like a 1 month old, and she’s about there. We do stretches with her 3-5X a day. I’ve noticed she’s a LOT more loose than she used to be, and not just when I’m trying to stretch her. Her arms and legs move easily, both when she’s moving them on her own and when I move her. When I hold her in a standing position, she puts weight on both her legs, and when I move her forward, she takes big steps (stepping reflex). She grasps my hair and sometimes necklaces I wear. When she lays on my chest, she can push herself up with her arms and hold her head for a few seconds. She loves to look around and see what’s going on. She seems to finally have her nights and days straightened out! She still wakes up about every 3 hours to eat, but at night goes right back to sleep. What a relief! We may have heard some “cooing” sounds this weekend, but I’m still holding out for a coo that’s undeniable!

My friend Carmen just had a beautiful baby boy, Gabriel, just over a week ago! Congratulations Carmen! And Kate L just had a beautiful baby girl, Emily, on Friday! Congratulations Kate! Sarai is so lucky to have so many friends!

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