Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009

Posted Jul 25, 2009 6:57pm

We all had a pretty good day today. Sarai’s breathing is still sort of “weird.” The nurses keep saying, “It’s almost like the monitor is broken.” (I’ve heard at least 3 different nurses say that.) Then they say, “Let me try and move the lead.” (That’s always what they do next.) It’s never the monitor, it’s never the lead, she’s just a medical phenomenon.

Because it’s Saturday, you get any (seemingly) random doctor on rounds. The doctor today decided, enough talk about caffeine, start her on caffeine. So they did at 5 today. She’ll get it every 24 hours. It has no effects on babies like it does on adults (won’t make her stay awake or make her jittery), but it helps to mature the part of her brain that controls her breathing. The doctor said that if it works, she may not even need the cannulas for extra oxygen. They did say that, starting caffeine now, almost surly means she’ll have to be on caffeine when she comes home. One doctor said that if that’s the case, she’ll also come home on a monitor. Then a nurse practitioner said that’s not true. As usual, it just depends on who you talk to. I could go nuts.

Adam’s brother Mario, girlfriend Alison and Grandma Tirado all came to visit Sarai today. Of course, they were all struck by her natural beauty. She’s a looker… big time.

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