Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aug. 6

Posted Aug 6, 2009 8:29pm

Hi friends and family.

Today’s post isn’t going to be a happy one.

I got to the hospital this morning and the doctor told me that they got the results of the head ultrasound. The ultrasound was abnormal. Sarai has PVL - Periventricular leukomalacia. It is damage to the white tissue in the brain and appears as cysts. The doctor told us that she can very likely develop cerebral palsy from this condition. Cerebral palsy is a spectrum disorder. It can have very severe physical and neurological effects or can be very mild. They aren’t sure how much damage there is and there is no way to tell what she will be able to do physically or neurologically, only time will tell. Typically, cerebral palsy doesn’t show any signs until 6-9 months of age. So, we begin a huge waiting game.

The doctor was almost as shocked about this news as Adam and I were. NO ONE saw this coming. This usually effects babies born earlier than Sarai, she’s been developing so well and doing everything they’ve asked of her. I feel like I’m in a dream. I don’t know what to think or do.

Sarai will have an MRI next week. We will then talk to the pediatric neurologist about the results and we might get a little better idea of what’s going on.

I might take a couple days off updating you guys on the blog. I know that your thoughts and prayers will be with us, and we appreciate them all. Today was the hardest day of my life. All we can do is look forward, hope and pray.

I’m praying for a miracle.

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